How to Cut 20mm High-Density Martial Arts Jigsaw Mats

For many martial arts studios, sports centres, and home enthusiasts, creating a custom floor space is crucial for a safe and professional practice environment. One of the most popular choices for such setups are high-density jigsaw mats, which are well known for their durability, impact absorption, and ease of assembly. A common challenge, however, is cutting these 20mm thick mats to fit your specific space. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of precisely cutting your jigsaw mats, ensuring that you maintain the integrity and safety of your personalised martial arts mat area.

Understanding Your Material

Before you start cutting into your 20mm high-density martial arts jigsaw mats, it’s important to understand the material. These mats are often made of EVA foam, which is both firm and cushiony, providing the right balance for martial arts activities. The thickness allows for significant shock absorption, which is essential for high-impact activities.

Required Tools

The right tools can make all the difference between a rough cut and a clean, straight line. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Sharp utility knife or box cutter
  • Straight edge or T-square
  • Measuring tape
  • Marker (preferable one that can easily be wiped off or fades on the material)
  • Sturdy flat work surface

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Measure Twice, Cut Once

Use your measuring tape to measure the area where the mat will be placed. Lay down the mat and mark the exact dimensions you’ll need to cut on the mat with your marker. It’s vital to be as accurate as possible during this stage to ensure a snug fit.

2. Secure Your Mat

Place the mat on a sturdy, flat surface that you can safely cut on. Make sure the mat doesn’t move around by placing weights on the corners or by having someone assist you in holding it steady.

3. Align Your Straight Edge

Use a straight edge or T-square to make sure your cut will be perfectly straight. Align it with the marks you’ve made on the mat.

4. Scoring the Mat

With a firm hand, use your utility knife to score the mat along the straight edge. Don’t try to cut all the way through with the first incision—these mats are thick and require multiple passes.

5. Deepening the Cut

After scoring the initial line, make several more passes with the knife, using more pressure each time. Be patient and maintain pressure evenly to avoid jagged edges.

6. Test the Fit

Once cut, place the mat in the intended space to ensure it fits properly. If adjustments are required, repeat the scoring process until the mat fits snugly.

7. Finishing Touches

If any edges are uneven, use the utility knife to trim off small amounts until you achieve a clean edge.

8. Safety Checks

After cutting and fitting the mats, do a safety check. Make sure there are no protruding pieces or sharp edges that could cause injury.


  • Always keep your hands clear of the blade.
  • Change blades if they become dull mid-cut, as a sharp blade is safer and more efficient.
  • Cut the mats in a well-ventilated area since cutting can create fine particles.

Final Thoughts

Customising your 20mm high-density martial arts jigsaw mats is a straightforward process if done with care, patience, and the right tools. A precise fit enhances the safety, appearance, and functionality of the practice space, providing you or your clients with an optimal environment to train in.

Remember that it’s not just cutting a mat – it’s about crafting a space tailored for martial arts excellence. Take the time to do it right, and you’ll have a professional-looking martial arts floor that’s both functional and safe.

For perspective buyers, it’s worth mentioning that when purchasing these high-density mats, it’s good to invest in a few extra to account for any mis-cuts or future replacements. If in doubt, consult with the manufacturer for specific cutting tips or consider hiring a professional to customise your mat space for you.

Happy training, and enjoy your newly tailored martial arts space!

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